I have on occasion forgot to bring my flash drive with me to work. What do I do now? Well, I could save it to a CD, but the file is so small that would be a waist. Install Dropbox on your computers that you want to access all dropped-in files and there you have it, all are synced. But, what is your other computer has a different operating system, like a Macintosh or Linux? No worries, there is a Dropbox app for all platforms.
The above paragraphs sounds like it came from some cheesy ad for a commercial software, but it wasn't, actually, it was just me being all "Ron Popeil" and trying to sell you a Pocket Fisherman. In reality, Dropbox is a free to use program(2GB storage) that is totally free and very useful. I even have it installed on my iPod Touch and can access all my files there. If you want more than the 2GB of storage Dropbox has by default you can pay for up to 100GB or storage. Check out their website at: http://dropbox.com