I like this blog called Lifehacker.org. I read it as often as I can. It has some great ideas. This article I thought rang true to dealing with other people. You may already know these things, but it is always good to be reminded in order to keep our perspective.
Link: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/four-rules-to-understand-what-makes-people-tick.html
Realtime Board
Currently in beta, this new, realtime collaboration tool is packed with so many possibilities I think it will become very popular in ...
I like reading, but don't have a lot of time to do so. I like to keep up on the news, but don't really have the time to sit and read...
Just like it says in the above graphic. This site offers a free test-creation platform for you to publish, share and take tests online. ...
Pidgin is my choice for a multi-chat client (messenger) on any platform. However, if I were a Mac user, I'd stick to Adium. Why Pidg...