I am a bit of a coffee connoisseur, I mean I like good coffee. Now, I have had my share of the stale, watered-down, weak cafe coffee that so many around these part enjoy, and I have also had the horribly burned beans that are so common in Starbucks. Keeping in mind that coffee is a commodity and commands a great price, but this is out-weighed by the enjoyment and health benefits, I will steer you in the direction to preserving this this ambrosia we all partake so religiously. Check out this website that will disspell for you the myth that I learned so long ago that coffee should never, I repeat, never be stored in the refrigerator. If you have to store it , you have bought too much, or you don't drink enough of it. My first suggestion is the buy the beans as most are not stale to begin and fresh ground coffee is one step in the right direction.